- Makino H, Kudo T, Endo S, Inoue T, Kawaguchi Y, Matsumoto Y, Machida S, "Prediction for crack propagation and arrest of shear fracture in ultra-high pressure natural gas pipelines," ISIJ International, Nol.41, No.4, pp.381-388, 2001.
- Makino, H., Sugie, T., Watanabe, H., Kubo, T., Shiwaku, T., Endo, S., Inoue, T., Kawaguchi, Y., Mastumoto Y. and Machida, S.,"Natural Gas Decompression Behavior in High Pressure Pipelines," ISIJ International, Nol.41, No.4, pp.389-395, 2001.
- Yamanishi, N., Seki, N., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., "Molecular Scale Flow Structure Near a Solid Surface (Analysis of a Lennard-Jones Fluid in a Narrow Channel)," JSME International Journal, Series B, Vol.44, pp.552-560, 2001.
- Sugiyama, K., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., "Three Dimensional Numerical Analysis for Bubbly Flow around a Circular Cylinder," JSME International Journal, Series B, Vol.44, pp.319-327, 2001.
- Sugiyama, K., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., "Multi-scale analysis of bubbly flows," Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, pp.689-704, 2001.
- Takemura, F., Takagi, S., Magnaudet J. and Matsumoto, Y., "Drag and lift forces on a bubble rising near a vertical wall in a viscous liquid," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.461, pp.277-300.
- Yuichi Murai, Yoichiro Matsumoto, Fujio Yamamoto, $B!H(BThree-dimensional measurement of void Fraction in a bubble plume using statistic stereoscopic image processing$B!I(B, Experiments in Fluids Vol.30 No.1, pp.11-21, 2001
- NOBUYUKI TSUBOI, A.KOICHI HAYASHI, YOICHIRO MATSUMOTO, $B!H(BThree-dimesional structure of cornstarch-oxygen two-phase detonation in a circular tube$B!I(B, archivum combustionis, Vol.21$B!J(B2001$B!K(BNo.2, 101-116,2001
- 杉山和靖, 高木 周, 松本洋一郎, "並進運動に伴う気泡・液滴・粒子周りの減圧挙動", 日本機械学会論文集(B編), 67-657, pp.1128-1137, 2001.
- 高木周, 竹村文男, 松本洋一郎, "壁面近傍を上昇する変形気泡に働く力の理論解析", 日本機械学会論文集(B編), 67-657, pp.1138-1145, 2001.
- 竹村文男, 松本洋一郎, "上昇球形ガス気泡の化学反応を伴う溶解過程に関する研究(第3報, 強アルカリ性溶液中における二酸化炭素気泡上昇速度に対する表面イオン濃度分布の影響)", 日本機械学会論文集(B編), 67-659, pp86-89, 2001.
- 松本洋一郎, 吉澤晋, "気泡の非線形振動", 機械の研究, 54-1, pp.108-113, 2001.
- Matsumoto, Y., Tsuboi N., Tokumasu T. and Yamanishi, N., "Multi-scale analysis of non-equilibriumhypersonic rarefied gas flows," Proceedings of International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics 1999, pp459-470, 2001.
- Matsumoto, Y., "Multi-scale Analysis of Bubbly Flows -- Pressure Wave Phenomena -- ," Proc. of 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flows, CD-ROM, 2001.
- Matsumoto, Y., Fukami, T., Kunugi, T. and Serizawa, A., "Fluid-Dynamic Structure of Air-Water Bubbly Flow with Micro-Bubbles," Proc. of 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flows, CD-ROM, 2001.
- Sugiyama, K., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., "Sub-Grid Scale Modeling of Bubbly Flow," Proc. of 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flows, #496,CD-ROM, 2001.
- So, S-H., Sugiyama, K., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., "The Turbulent Structure of Bubbly Flow in a Rectangular Channel," Proc. of 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flows, #491,CD-ROM, 2001.
- Tsuboi, N., Yamaguchi, H. and Matsumoto, Y., "Three-Dimensional DSMC Simulation of Hypersonic Rarefied Gas Flow around a Sharp Flat Plate," AIAA Paper, pp500-508, 2001.
- Takagi, S. Oguz, H.N. and Prosperetti, A., "PHYSALIS: A New Method for Particle Simulation," Proc. of 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flows, #414,CD-ROM, 2001.
- Tokumasu, T., Kamijo, K., Oike, M. and Matsumoto, Y., "Molecular Dynamics Study of The Nucleation of Bubble," Proc. of 4th Int. Symp. on Cavitation, 2001.
- Tamura, Y., Sugiyama, K. and Matsumoto, Y., "Cavitating Flow Simulations Based on The Bubble Dynamics," Proc. of 4th Int. Symp. on Cavitation, Session B5.001, 2001.
- Lertnuwat, B., Sugiyama K. and Matsumoto, Y., "Modeling of Thermal Behavior Inside a Bubble," Proc. of 4th Int. Symp. on Cavitation, Session B6.002, 2001.
- Yoshizawa, S., Sugiyama, K. and Matsumoto, Y., "Acoustic Emission from Micro Bubbles in Ultrasound Field," Proc. of 4th Int. Symp. on Cavitation, Session A2.003, 2001.
- Takagi, S., Watanabe Y. and Matsumoto, Y., "Contaminant Effect to the Unsteady Motion of a Rising Bubble," 54th Annual Meeting American Physical Society Division of Fluid Engineering, 2001.
- Sakiyama, Y., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., "Multi-scale Analysis of Silicon Jet-CVD Process," 54th Annual Meeting American Physical Society Division of Fluid Engineering, 2001.
- Yoshizawa, S. and Matsumoto, Y., "The Behavior of Micro Bubbles and Bubble Cluster in Ultrasound Field," 54th Annual Meeting American Physical Society Division of Fluid Engineering, 2001.
- Tamura, Y., Fukaya, M. and Matsumoto, Y., "Numeical Method for Cavitating Flow Simulations and Its Application to Axial Flow Pumps," Proc. of the 9th of International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, 2001.
- Takagi, S., "Force Acting on a Bubble under the Various Situations," Proceeding of ASME-FEDSM01, #18178, CD-ROM, 2001.
- Tamura, Y., Sugiyama, K. and Matsumoto, Y., "Physical Modeling and Solution Algorithm for Cavitating Flow Simulations," AIAA Paper, 2001.
- Sugiyama, K., Kawamura, T., Takagi, S. and Matsumoto, Y., "Numerical Simulations on Drag Reduction Mechanism by Microbubbles," Proc. of the 3rd Symp. on Smart Control of Turbulence, pp.129-138, 2001.
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